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11h00 - 12h30 CET

International Day of Clean Energy : Connect•Empower•Change with Green Hydrogen

Date of the webinar TBC : Tuesday, January 28, 2025

  • Casablanca (GMT) : 10h00 - 11h30
  • Brussels, Alger, Rabat, Tunis(CET) : 11h00 - 12h30
  • Beyrouth, Cairo (EET) : 12h00 - 13h30
  • Amman, (EET) : 13h00 - 14h30
  • Abu Dhabi (GST) : 14h00 - 15h30

⏳ Duration: 1.5 hours

Duration: 1h30
Organized by: MED-GEM Network, EU Neighbours South, Women in Green Hydrogen (WiGH), UNIDO

Context: Celebrating International Renewable Energy Day (Sunday, January 26)

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On January 26, the global community celebrates International Renewable Energy Day, highlighting the importance of clean technologies (#CleanTech) in addressing climate change and advancing sustainable development. This joint activity marks the first in a series of regional collaborations to raise awareness about renewable energy solutions—particularly green hydrogen—as a key pathway to decarbonization.

By leveraging renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, green hydrogen serves as a vital link in maximizing the potential of renewables. It provides a sustainable method to store surplus energy generated during periods of high production and transform it into a versatile energy carrier. This integration addresses the intermittent challenges of renewable power generation, ensuring a steady and reliable supply of clean energy while enabling its use across various sectors, from transportation to industry and electricity generation.

The event highlights the role of young talents and women leaders in accelerating the energy transition.


1. Introduction:
Demystifying Green Hydrogen - Mediterranean Perspectives (30 min)

Objective: Raise awareness and simplify green hydrogen concepts for a diverse audience, emphasizing its role in the energy transition and socio-economic benefits.

MC: Joumana Birhi


  • Frank Wouters, MED-GEM Network, director: « In the scope of Clean Energy, the European Green Deal and Mediterranean strategies to achieve NetZero 2025 goals: Green Hydrogen: What is it? Why now? What are its benefits for society? » (10 minutes)
  • Eunji Park,Assistant Industrial Development Officer at United Nations Industrial Development Organisation: « On UNIDOs GH2 project : Global Partnership and technical cooperation activities. » (10 minutes)
  • Maria Assumpcio Rojo Torrent, Hydrogen Europe, Director of Trade and International Relations: "Innovative and inclusive solutions to make green hydrogen accessible. » (10 minutes)
2. Panel:
Synergies Between Renewable Energy and Green Hydrogen - Building a Sustainable Energy Ecosystem in the Mediterranean (30 min)

Objective: Highlight how renewable energy sources like solar and wind form the foundation of green hydrogen production, creating a pathway to decarbonization and addressing challenges in renewable energy intermittency.

MC: Raya Verniers


  • Lebanon : Hadi Abou Moussa, Senior Energy Engineer at the Lebanese Centre for Energy Conservation (LCEC) : « Clean Energies, Why and how Lebanon can leverage green hydrogen today."
  • Morocco : Leila El Bouaychi, Business Development Director, INNOVX, Morocco: "Unlocking Morocco's Green Hydrogen Potential»
  • Jordan : Bandaly El Issa, MED-GEM Network, Junior Energy Advisor at GIZ: « Jordan’s green hydrogen perspectives and the renewable energies policies. »
3. Panel:
Connecting Actors for an Inclusive Energy Transition (20 min)

Objective: Open sharing informations, promoting collaboration among emerging talents, experts, and opportunities to drive an inclusive energy transition.

MC: Raya Verniers


  • Nihal Mansouri, North Africa Leader and Maya Demnati, WiGH : "Women’s leadership and innovation in green hydrogen across North Africa. » and « Educational opportunities and women-led innovation hubs in Morocco." (10 minutes)
  • MED-GEM GH2 Hackathon Winners, Bouchra Zoubaa (Morocco) and Rayan Al Sarih (Lebanon): "Experiences from the first Hackathon and study tour in Germany. » (10 minutes)
4. Closing Remarks and Call to Action (10 min)

Objective: Summarize key discussions, propose next steps, and reinforce commitments to inclusive energy development.

  • Raya Verniers, MED-GEM Network : «Sharing Opportunities on GH2Camps Regional Edition, Training and inspiring the next generation of innovators in the Mediterranean. »
  • Joumana Birihi, EU Neighbours South : « Sharing News, Call to participations and opportunities for the Southern Neighbourhood »