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Policy coordination group is component 1 of the MED-GEM Network's program.

This pillar focuses on fostering collaboration among policymakers and stakeholders in the region, aiming not only to streamline national policies but also to formulate a collective vision and coordinated policies for the development of a robust Green Electrons and Molecules (GEMs) integrated market. 

Through a series of strategic activities, the network aims to facilitate knowledge exchange events, support comparative analyses of countries' strategies in renewable energy and hydrogen, and assess potential demand for GEMs (Renewable & Green Hydrogen) products in both the regional and European export markets.

Additionally, the network will identify and evaluate projects for GEMs production and transportation, initiate the identification of mutually compatible regulatory frameworks, and advise on policy measures for regional market integration

The provision of information about the development and deployment of technical standards and certification mechanisms related to GEMs technologies is also a crucial aspect of this program. 

This comprehensive approach underscores the commitment of the MED-GEM Network to advancing the green energy landscape in the region and aligning policies for a sustainable future.

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