Toufic Rizkallah is the Technical Manager of the MED-GEM Network with more than 17 years of experience in the energy sector, construction field, and vocational and technical educational. He is a Certified Energy Manager and a Certified Measurement and Verification Professional from the association of energy engineers (aee) and a founding member of the aee – Lebanon Chapter. He served as a board member and Human Capital Taskforce Leader of the Future Energy Leaders of Lebanon (FELL-18) Programme – based on the World Energy Council’s Future Energy Leaders’ programme (FEL-100). His experience in energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) encompasses conducting energy audits and feasibility studies, preparing technical proposals to access existing green financing facilities, implementing EE and RE projects, delivering energy awareness campaigns, building capacities (delivering ToT trainings), and contributing to the development of a regional strategy on EE and RE for Mediterranean Municipalities during the SUDEP SM Programme.