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Portrait of Dr Mustapha Taoumi as a speaker

Leveraging Industries: the MED-GEM’s Industry Advisory Board and its working groups

Green Hydrogen is increasingly recognized as a key element in the transition towards a sustainable and low-carbon energy future. As nations strive to decarbonize their economies and mitigate climate change, green hydrogen offers a versatile and clean energy carrier with the potential to revolutionize various sectors, including transportation, industry, and power generation. However, its widespread adoption requires concerted efforts from various stakeholders, including industry players, policymakers, and researchers. In this context, the role of Industry players becomes crucial in driving the development and deployment of green hydrogen technologies.

Industry actors are responsible for the bulk of investments in production and conversion, infrastructure, R&D, and job creation. Industry players create markets and engage in collaboration and partnerships, and can accelerate the development and widespread adoption of hydrogen technologies, contributing to the transition towards a more sustainable energy future.

Among its activities the MED-GEM Network initiated the creation of an Industry Advisory Board (IAB) with the organization of a first meeting which has been held on 20 December in Brussels. The meeting was attended by experts and representatives from industry and government from both sides of the Mediterranean basin. The IAB provided guidance and feedback on the progress of the network, and discussed how to further promote its objectives. The IAB also identified potential opportunities for collaboration and created an action plan for the network's future activities.

During the kick off meeting held in Brussels, it was recommend to:

  • Identifying Priority Areas for Action: Through consultations , the IAB has identify four key priority areas for action, such as local value creation, certification, infrastructure and skills enhancement.
  • Forming Working Groups: The IAB will establish specialized working groups or task forces to address specific challenges or opportunities related to green hydrogen development.
  • Engaging with Policymakers: The IAB will engage with policymakers at the local, national, and regional  levels to advocate for supportive policies, regulations, and financial incentives to accelerate the adoption of green hydrogen.
  • Promoting Public Awareness: The IAB will launch awareness campaigns, outreach activities, and communication initiatives to raise public awareness about the benefits of green hydrogen and its role in achieving climate goals.

Furthermore, a number of key organizations active in the Mediterranean region have expressed their interest in supporting this initiative, such as UNIDO, IRENA, RCREEE and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), all of which will contribute to making this initiative a success.

The MED-GEM’s Industry Advisory Board can play a catalytic role in advancing the development of green hydrogen by fostering collaboration, providing strategic guidance, promoting innovation, advocating for supportive policies, and enhancing knowledge exchange. By harnessing the collective efforts and expertise of diverse stakeholders, the MED-GEM’s IAB can accelerate the transition towards a sustainable and carbon-neutral energy future in the Mediterranean region.

The IAB aims and goals are as follows:

  • Facilitating Collaboration: The IAB will serve as a platform for collaboration among industry leaders, researchers, and policymakers to exchange knowledge, share best practices, and foster partnerships for green hydrogen projects.
  • Providing Strategic Guidance: Drawing upon the collective expertise of its members, the IAB will offer strategic guidance and insights to steer research and development efforts, prioritize investment areas, and overcome technical and regulatory barriers.
  • Promoting Innovation: By fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, the IAB will support harnessing green technologies and developing business models, and market mechanisms to unlock the full potential of green hydrogen.
  • Advocacy and Outreach: The IAB will advocate for supportive policies, incentives, and regulatory frameworks to stimulate investment in green hydrogen infrastructure, promote market uptake, and create an enabling environment for industry growth.
  • Knowledge Exchange and Capacity Building: Through workshops, seminars, and training programs, the IAB will facilitate knowledge exchange, capacity building, and skills development to empower stakeholders across the value chain.


Dr. Mustapha Taoumi,
MED-GEM Network | Key Expert 2 Renewables and Green Technologies