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Kick-off poster

Lebanon: Kick-off of the “Green Hydrogen Camp: From Theory to Action”

Under the patronage of the Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW), the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC), and with the support of the European Union-funded Mediterranean Green Electrons and Molecules Network (MED-GEM) alongside EU Neighbours South, we are excited to announce the launch of the “Green Hydrogen Lebanon Camp: From Theory to Action.”

The kick-off meeting, held on August 12, 2024, marked the beginning of this innovative initiative aimed at fostering awareness and innovation in sustainable energy solutions. After a thorough selection process that attracted many applications, we are proud to introduce our ten carefully selected participants, including 2 PhD candidates, 6 Master’s students, and 2 Bachelor’s students, all from engineering programs related to energy, environment, and chemical engineering. Emphasising gender equity, the selected participants will work in teams of two, consisting of both male and female members, highlighting our commitment to inclusivity in the energy sector.

Starting this week, participants will embark on a certified online training program, which includes intensive coursework focused on green hydrogen and Power-to-X (PtX) technologies. Developed by the International PtX Hub and PtX Academy, this course will equip participants with essential knowledge and practical skills to tackle Lebanon’s renewable energy challenges.

Following the online training, participants will convene for a 24-hours Hackathon on September 17, 2024. They will collaborate in five diverse teams to develop innovative solutions tailored to Lebanon's green hydrogen and renewable energy sectors, addressing critical areas such as infrastructure, industry, and regulatory frameworks. The top team will have the opportunity to present their solution at the Beirut Energy Week (BEW) 2024 opening ceremony on September 19, 2024, and will receive a fully-sponsored study trip to Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) in Germany, courtesy of the MED-GEM Network and full delegation pass to the Beirut Energy Week courtesy of LCEC.

For more information and updates, visit our dedicated #GH2LebanonCamp page: